Terugblik project 216: 'OMNEO’ (open standaard Netwerk Audio)
door Michiel van Eeden

The evening was hosted by Bosch Security Systems Breda (yes, shortly before their move to Eindhoven)

Anton Thielen gave an introduction on audio networks

Anton Thielen

He explained which are the requirements that must be met to create a versatile audio network (and why), and explained the basic structure of a network with its layers. He presented and compared the audio network solutions made so far and motivated why Bosch proceeded with "OMNEO".

Marc Smaak

Marc Smaak explained and illustrated more specific what features and performances Bosch requires from an audio network. He showed limitations of ethernet (timing and security for example) and how they are addressed.

Stephan van Tienen

After a break Stephan van Tienen continued with an explanation about structure and possibilities of the (open) control architecture of OMNEO. The lectures were closed with a demo regarding the control system.

foto's: MvE